Lunas spectrum is an easily adoptable system of tactile relief symbols for identifying color designed for visually impaired people. Symbols for this system are made out of dots, and they are the result of the interaction of combining symbols for the three primary colors and symbols for black and white.
The combining of symbols relies on the logic of color formation in an art spectrum in which the mixing of primary colors produces secondary colors, and a mixture of secondary and primary produces tertiary colors. By using a certain feature of certain symbols such as blue and yellow, a green mark is created in which a rare characteristic of yellow and a vertical line as a characteristic of blue can be identified. Aside form providing the logic of color mixing, the system also offers the possibility of lightening and darkening of a certain color and an accurate determination of a certain shade and the a possibility of joining the characteristics of transparency and gloss and the CMYK color system.
Lunas spectrum offers a wide range of options in use, from marking paint of objects in everyday use and industrial production to creative expression. It is involved in the international system of intellectual property protection „Patent pending application No. PCT/HR2016/000008“.
It was created as the result of thinking about color as a taboo topic for the blind. Its creators start from the premise that every blind person, regardless of the cause and time the blindness appeared, need to be able to know which are the colors of objects they encounter and to have an opportunity to expresses (artistically) what they imagine.
Perica Mihaljević and Vedran Stanić
Lunas spectrum